Who does Liam look more like?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

6 weeks old

Wow! Ro and I were looking back at Liam's first days and we realized that he's really growing fast. Here are a couple of updated pictures of our adorable little monster. 


Tiffany said...

Definitely a cutie! How are you doing? I need to be a less lame cousin and call you. I will probably do that soon. I hope all is going well and you are loving being a new mommy.

Emily Ekins said...

Oh my gosh! He's so beautiful!! Congratulations you guys!!

Pili said...

Hey peeps! Liam is getting so big so fast. We can't to see him and hold him, and hug him and kiss him! Oh yah, we can't wait to see you guys too. Love you guys!

Vinnie said...

Love the photos! He really is growing. Take tons of pictures because I swear they grow a ton from picture to picture! We'd sure love to see more photos if you can find time to post more. But if not, we totally understand.

Keep up the good work with that little tike!

Angie said...

he is soooo stinkin cute!! We miss you guys!