Who does Liam look more like?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Liam Benito Bongioanni Arrives!!!

Joi and I are happy to introduce the arrival of Liam Benito Bongioanni!!! 

Born on January 3, 2009 at 6:30pm.  He was born weighing 8 pounds 10.3 ounces, and was 21  inches long.

Liam has been an amazing baby.  We've taken about a million pictures and this is the maddest he's gotten so far about it.

Now that it's been a few weeks all three of us are starting to bet back into a normal routine.  Here's us on the computer.

Here's Liam watching tv on the cough.

And here he is practicing his kung-fu skills (I knew we should of named him Bruce Lee Bongioanni)

Ok, ok I know it's weird when parents start to make stories up around normal tasks that their kids do, and it's probably the first step to becoming one of those weird cat ladies later in life.  You know the type, they think each of their hundreds of cats have human personalities.  Then, before you know it you look like this.

Anyway that's all the time I have for this blog.  Hopefully, for everyones sake, next month Joi will be doing the blog again.  Here's a couple cute pictures to go out on.


Tiffany said...

Congratulations! He is adorable!! Joi you look great. I hope everything is going well. We miss you guys.

Vinnie said...

How cute! I'm so glad you guys seem to be doing so well! Miss you and wish we could come out again!

Rebekah said...

Thanks for the pictures! They are all adorable, especially that picture of Liam with the huge smile! Love the baby pictures of you guys too!

geecru said...

way too cute! roland you did a good job on the blog, and you both did a good job on the baby!
we miss hanging out, but it looks like you two are keeping busy.

Pili said...

Yay, we can't wait to see you guys in two months. Uugghh, it's so far away! that's okay, we're still excited! We love you guys! oh, Liam looks like Roland. for now atleast.

Angie said...

He is so precious!!!! Joi you look amazing! Congratulations you guys! We love you and miss you a lot.